Sequoia trees can grow 300 feet tall, weighing over 2 million pounds. Yet their roots maintain an average depth of only 5 or 6 feet.

Think about that. A 300-foot tall tree, with a trunk 40 feet in diameter, has a root system that’s basically sitting on the surface. How do these massive trees manage to stay upright? How do they avoid toppling over after heavy rain or strong winds?

Sequoia roots may be shallow, but they grow incredibly wide. A single tree’s roots may span an acre of land.

They also grow in groves, alongside other Sequoias. As they grow, their roots form a massive web – in some cases, fusing together into a single root.

Over time, these roots form a fabric of stability & support for all.

We can learn a lot from these trees, especially as we’re trying to do big things in the world.

By “big things” I don’t necessarily mean things that appear big to others or are outwardly impressive. Instead, I mean things that FEEL big to us, on the inside. Having hard conversations, making the choice to do things differently, having the courage to begin again – these can all feel really BIG.

When we’re doing big things, we can look to these big trees as an example. Like the Sequoias, we can draw strength and support from others, if we allow ourselves to reach out.

Reaching out isn’t weak, it’s wise. Our willingness to reach out expands our capacity for support, helping us grow bigger and stronger than we could on our own.

In our willingness to be vulnerable, we form bonds that strengthen and support others as well.

The Sequoias remind me that none of us does this alone, and there is no shame in reaching out for support.

We are in this together, and together we are strong.