The Path of Least Resistance

The Path of Least Resistance

I’ve been thinking about the phrase “path of least resistance” and how often it carries a negative connotation. In a culture that often equates value with effort, the path of least resistance can be seen as a cop-out. In some circles, it borders on sacrilegious. We...
When I Feel Disconnected

When I Feel Disconnected

A few days ago, I noticed a group of five falcons flying together. In my area, it’s not uncommon to see a pair, but five together is pretty remarkable.I stopped and admired as they swooped and swirled amongst each other. Watching them, I realized it was a family. A...
The Power of a Clear Vision

The Power of a Clear Vision

“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.” – Rosabeth Moss KanterIn the blur of everyday life, it can be easy to get swept along by the never-ending stream of busyness,...
The Fear of Being Seen

The Fear of Being Seen

I’ve been having conversations around vulnerability and the fear of being seen with clients who are struggling to create visibility around their creative projects/businesses.This shows up in a variety of ways, but the common denominator has been a strong form of...
Lean Into Your Longings

Lean Into Your Longings

I’ve been thinking a lot about longings lately, and how so many of us go through life resisting the things we’re longing for. The trip we long to take. The book we long to write. The business we long to start. Over time, ignoring our longings can lead...