The Path of Least Resistance

The Path of Least Resistance

I’ve been thinking about the phrase “path of least resistance” and how often it carries a negative connotation. In a culture that often equates value with effort, the path of least resistance can be seen as a cop-out. In some circles, it borders on sacrilegious. We...
The Discomfort of Not Knowing

The Discomfort of Not Knowing

There’s a parable you may be familiar with, one involving a group of blind men and an elephant. In the parable, the men have never encountered an elephant before. Each one comes in contact with a different part of the elephant’s body, and draws conclusions...
On Resistance

On Resistance

I’m being called to do something that feels pretty big, and also pretty scary. I’ve been sidestepping this for awhile, feeling the call and then responding with resistance. I keep telling myself I’ll do the big, scary thing LATER… once I’ve finished updating my...
Creation Begins With Destruction

Creation Begins With Destruction

I’ve started playing with beads recently. There’s something relaxing in coming up with a design, then simply following it through, bead by bead until it’s finished. I’ve completed three bracelets so far, and I have to say that the very first one took about 5xs...
You Are An Artist

You Are An Artist

Recently a woman shared with me an experience she’d had in an art class she’d taken decades earlier.The class had been practicing graded watercolor washes (a technique in which you apply diluted watercolor with the goal of smoothly transitioning from dark to...