Your Soul is Calling You

Your Soul is Calling You

Your Soul is calling you into the life you were born to live. You were born into this world with a unique set of gifts, strengths, talents, and experiences. There has never been, nor will there ever be again, a person with your unique makeup. Your job while...
How Are You Managing Your Energy?

How Are You Managing Your Energy?

I work with a lot of high-achieving, entrepreneurial types. Often, one of the first things we focus on is developing an energy management strategy.This is important for a couple of reasons. Firstly, if you’re at a point where you’re trying to figure out your...
Let Your Heart Lead

Let Your Heart Lead

This week, I’ve been reflecting a lot on where I’m at with my business, and where I want to be heading. One of the biggest aha’s that’s emerged is the realization that I’ve been spending a bit too much time doing things that go...
It Can’t ALL Feel Good

It Can’t ALL Feel Good

It can’t ALL feel good.There’s a common misconception that following your calling is supposed to be easy, fun, and feel good ALL THE TIME.It’s not helped by the fact that much of the self-help industry tosses around cliches like “Follow your...
When Your Soul Is Weary

When Your Soul Is Weary

I want to talk to you today about soul weariness. The weariness I’m referring about here isn’t your garden-variety tiredness.Unlike physical or mental tiredness, with soul-weariness, it feels like no matter how much rest you get, you’re still...